Sunday, September 19, 2010


I've found a piece of the puzzle.

this is a short post. I'm going to sleep soon.

I am depressed. I found a book about depression and a natural program to deal with it, more effectively than with drugs. And it also has a lot of info about depression on it. Which is how I realized this is something that I've had to struggle with on and off, mostly on, for most of my life. The nice thing about that I it allows me to forgive myself for being who I am. I always berated myself for not being as dynamic and successful as other people. When you understand depression, you don't feel like, "those people are just being lazy." You understand it's a disease, with physical and psychological causes, that make doing a lot of things way more difficult. It's a way I've found some forgiveness for myself.

It's also a way I've found some hope. When you don't know what the problem is, it's very hard to find the cure. But I've found a big part of the problem, and also am discovering some parts of the cure. It's nice. And I'm not settling for feeling horrible most of the time. It's in my hands now. The truth will set you free.


  1. Glad to hear you are tackling the problem and learning about it! Knowledge is power for sure. I would also suggest seeing a psychologist if you aren't already. I have considered going to one for various problems I've faced but haven't yet...but everyone I know who has has been so relieved and empowered after working with someone who really knows their stuff. It's good to get a professional outside opinion.

  2. (not exactly related to this post, but it's Hafiz and philosophically interesting.)

    Will Beat You Up by Hafiz (translator Daniel Ladinsky)

    And most all of your sufferings

    Are from believing
    You know better than God.

    Of course,
    Such a special brand of arrogance as that
    Always proves disastrous,

    And will rip the seams
    In your caravan tent,

    Then cordially invite in many species
    Of mean biting flies and
    Strange thoughts-

    That will
    Beat you

    The true nature of your Beloved.
    In His loving eyes your every thought,
    Word and movement is always-
    Always Beautiful."
    - Hafiz

    and more Hafiz poems (and it looks like bunches more similar stuff)
