Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I haven't done any post about porn recently. I need some lower elements to balence out all this spiritual philosophising.

I have a lot of porn.
I recently had a conversation with a femail friend about her class on women in culture, and how bad porn is for women. It's degrading and objectifies them and supposedly encourages violence towards them.

I felt a little guilty, and made a note to make sure she never found my stash.

I think the whole feminism thing is a bit weird. just another thing for angry people to be angry about. and then they bandy around there terms like genocide and rape and try to blame it on whatever it is they don't like.


the violence that happens in the world is a very sad thing.
It does not happen because of one thing or another. There are many reasons.
But all of it involves this: not being kind.
the angry activists seem to forget this point, and think it's ok to be mean to certain people, though those certain people can't be mean to other people.
If you want to stop violence, or pollution, or anything, the person you have to start with is yourself.
why aren't you stopping (fill in the blank)?
well, that's why we aren't either. It's your idea, your advice, so you do it.
sigh. you know, this is violent too.

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